
Organization of the Meeting of the CSE Logic & Types Division on 20 September 2019

Meeting of CSE Divison Logic and Types 2019


Time Program
08.15 Meet at Chalmers Kopparbunken
08.30 Minibus departs
09.00 Coffee
09.30 Peter: Universes in type theory (and in Agda)
10.00 Bahareh: An infinitary treatment of full mu-calculus
10.30 Break
11.00 Q&A session with Linn and Oscar: Education, admininstration, and economy
11.20 Ana, Peter: Discussion on work environment
12.10 Andreas: BSc thesis topics brainstorming
12.40 Lunch
14.00 Nisse: On the erasure modality @0
14.30 Andreas: On intrinsic scoping and the sublist category
15.00 Coffee
15.30 Victor: Unification with heterogeneous equality
16.00 Talk 6: Possibly: Report from the Agda meeting
16.30 Promenad
18.00 Dinner




A minibus will leave at 8.30 from Chalmers Kopparbunken. Let’s meet there around 8.15.

Public transport

The venue is not easily reachable by public transport, as the connections are not frequent. Here is some basic connection information.


Public transport can be reimbursed by the division.

You will be reimbursed by the division if you use your car to take other people with you.

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