
Organization of the Meeting of the CSE Logic & Types Division on 20 September 2019

On Intrinsic Scoping and the Sublist Category

Intrinsically well-typed C–

Types (simplified)

a : ATy ::= int | double
t : Ty  ::= t | bool
Γ : Cxt = List Ty


x : a ∈ Γ
                        i : a ∈ Γ
----------- here     -------------- there
0 : a ∈ Γ,a          1+ i : a ∈ Γ,b

Expressions (simplified), fixed Γ

data Exp (t : Ty)
  _+_  : (e₁ e₂ : Exp a) → Exp a
  _<_  : (e₁ e₂ : Exp a) → Exp bool
  _&&_ : (e₁ e₂ : Exp bool) → Exp bool
  var  : (x : t ∈ Γ) → Exp t
  lit  : (v : Val t) → Exp t

Statements (simplified)

data Stm
  assign (x : t ∈ Γ) (e : Exp t)
  ifElse (e : Exp bool) (s₁ s₂ : Stm)
  while  (e : Exp Bool) (s : Stm)
  block  (ss : List Stm)

Compilation target: JVM

JVM manages memory: stack, heap, function calls

Each method runs with

Byte-code verifier checks correct memory access.

Compilation schemes

Taught to students in class Programming Language Technology.

Expressions: (leave value on the stack)

⟦ v : int ⟧ = iconst v
⟦ x : int ⟧ = iload x
⟦ e₁ + e₂ ⟧ = ⟦e₁⟧; ⟦e₂⟧; iadd

Statements: (leave nothing on the stack)

⟦ x = e ⟧ = ⟦e⟧; istore x

⟦ if (e) s₁ else s₂ ⟧ =
  L_else, L_end ← newLabel
           ifeq L_else
           goto L_end
  L_else:  ⟦s₂⟧

⟦ while (e) s ⟧ =
  L_start, L_end ← newLabel
  L_start: ⟦e⟧
           ifeq L_end
           goto L_start

Intrinsically well-typed JVM

We can produce statically well-typed JVM code.

Jump-free instructions (simplified):

Control: jump to label l.


High-level control structures: flowcharts.

Compilation to flow charts:

⟦ if (e) s₁ else s₂ ; s ⟧ =
  let L_end  = ⟦s⟧
  let L_then = ⟦s₁⟧; goto L_end
  let L_else = ⟦s₂⟧; goto L_end
  branch L_then L_else

⟦ while (e) s₀ ; s ⟧ =
  let L_end = ⟦s⟧
  fix L_start
  let L_body = ⟦s₀⟧; goto L_start
  branch L_body L_end

Intrinsically typed flowcharts

Typed by initial stack.

data FC Λ Φ
  _∷_    (c : JF Φ Φ') (fc : FC Λ Φ')      : FC Λ Φ
  goto   (l : Φ ∈ Λ)                       : FC Λ Φ
  branch (l₁ l₂ : Φ ∈ Λ)                   : FC Λ (Φ,bool)
  let    (fc₁ : FC Λ Φ) (fc₂ : FC (Λ,Φ) Φ' : FC Λ Φ'
  fix    (fc  : FC (Λ,Φ) Φ)                : FC Λ Φ

Labels are locally defined.

Compilation to flow charts

Compiling statements:

⟦ if (e) s₁ else s₂ ⟧(k) =
  let k
  let ⟦s₁⟧(goto 0)
  let ⟦s₂⟧(goto 1)

⟦ while (e) s₀ ⟧(k) =
  let k
  let ⟦s₀⟧(goto 0)

Compiling conditions:

⟦ true    ⟧(l₁,l₂) = goto l₁
⟦ e <  e' ⟧(l₁,l₂) = ⟦e⟧(⟦e'⟧(branch l₁ l₂))
⟦ e && e' ⟧(l₁,l₂) = let ⟦e'⟧(l₁,l₂) ⟦e⟧(1+l₁,0)

Compiling arithmetic expressions:

⟦ v     ⟧(k) = iconst v ∷ k
⟦ e + e'⟧(k) = ⟦e⟧(⟦e'⟧(iadd ∷ k))

Basic blocks

Basic blocks are FCs without label definition (let,fix).

flat : FC Λ Φ → Σ (τ : Λ' ⊇ Λ) (bbs : BBs Λ' τ) (bb : BB Λ' Φ)

BBs Λ τ = AllExt (BB Λ) τ

Time to think about context extensions Λ’ ⊇ Λ !

Context extension

Γ₁ ⊆ Γ₂

  1. Append

    Γ₂ = Γ₁,Δ
  2. Sublist

    Γ₁ embeds into Γ₂ in a order-preserving way

  3. Arbitrary renaming

    ∀ a → a ∈ Γ₁ → a ∈ Γ₂

Categorical constructions on sublists
