-- Simply-typed lambda definability and normalization by evaluation
-- formalized in Agda
-- Author: Andreas Abel, May/June 2018

-- 2. Simply-typed lambda calculus (STLC) definability

{-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections #-}
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}

open import Library
import SimpleTypes

-- The notion of Kripke predicate is parametrized by base types
-- and simply-typed constants and their interpretation.

module STLCDefinable
  (Base : Set)  (B⦅_⦆ : Base  Set) (open SimpleTypes Base B⦅_⦆)
  (Const : Set) (ty : Const  Ty) (c⦅_⦆ : (c : Const)  T⦅ ty c )

-- A Kripke logical predicate (KLP) is uniquely determined
-- by its definition at base type.

record STLC-KLP-Base : Set₁ where
    B⟦_⟧  : (b : Base)  KPred B⦅ b 
    monB  : (b : Base)  Mon B⟦ b 

-- Kripke logical predicate over the world of context embeddings.

module STLC-KLP-Ext (P : STLC-KLP-Base) (open STLC-KLP-Base P) where

  -- Monotonicity is built into the definition of a Kripke predicate
  -- at function type.

  T⟦_⟧ : (T : Ty)  KPred T⦅ T 
  T⟦ base b  = B⟦ b 
  T⟦ U  T  Γ f =
    ∀{Δ} (τ : Δ  Γ) {d : Fun Δ U}
      (⟦d⟧ : T⟦ U  Δ d)
      T⟦ T  Δ (apply (f ∘′ R⦅ τ ) d)
  T⟦ U ×̂ T  Γ p = T⟦ U  Γ (proj₁ ∘′ p) × T⟦ T  Γ (proj₂ ∘′ p)

  -- Thus, the monotonicity proof is a simple case distinction
  -- between base types and function types (no induction).

  monT :  T  Mon T⟦ T 
  monT (base b) = monB b
  monT (U  T) τ ⟦f⟧ τ′ ⟦d⟧ = ⟦f⟧ (τ  τ′) ⟦d⟧  -- needs REWRITE ar-comp

-- A Kripke logical predicate needs to satisfy all constants.
  monT (U ×̂ T) {Γ} {Δ} τ {f} ( ⟦u⟧ , ⟦t⟧ ) = monT U τ ⟦u⟧ , monT T τ ⟦t⟧

record STLC-KLP : Set₁ where
    klp-base : STLC-KLP-Base
  open STLC-KLP-Base klp-base public
  open STLC-KLP-Ext klp-base public
    satC : (c : Const)  T⟦ ty c  ε  _  c⦅ c )

-- A function is STLC-definable if it satisfies all STLC-KLPs.
-- This is a "big" proposition.
-- But it is purely semantic, independent from any syntactic definitions.

STLC-definable :  Γ T (f : Fun Γ T)  Set₁
STLC-definable Γ T f =  (P : STLC-KLP) (open STLC-KLP P)  T⟦ T  Γ f

-- In the following we prove that a function is STLC-definable iff
-- it is the evaluation of a STLC term.

-- Syntax of STLC (intrinsically typed).

-- Well-typed variables: (de Bruijn) indices into the contexts.

data Var (T : Ty) : (Γ : Cxt)  Set where
  vz : ∀{Γ}  Var T (Γ  T)
  vs : ∀{Γ U} (x : Var T Γ)  Var T (Γ  U)

-- Well-typed terms over the set Const of constants.

data Tm (Γ : Cxt) : (T : Ty)  Set where
  con  : (c : Const)  Tm Γ (ty c)
  var  : ∀{T}   (x : Var T Γ)  Tm Γ T
  abs  : ∀{U T} (t : Tm (Γ  U) T)  Tm Γ (U  T)
  app  : ∀{U T} (t : Tm Γ (U  T)) (u : Tm Γ U)  Tm Γ T
  pair : ∀{U T} (u : Tm Γ U) (t : Tm Γ T)  Tm Γ (U ×̂ T)
  fst  : ∀{U T} (t : Tm Γ (U ×̂ T))  Tm Γ U
  snd  : ∀{U T} (t : Tm Γ (U ×̂ T))  Tm Γ T

-- Weakening with an OPE.

_w[_]ᵛ : ∀{Γ Δ T} (x : Var T Γ) (τ : Δ  Γ)  Var T Δ
x    w[ id≤    ]ᵛ = x
x    w[ weak τ ]ᵛ = vs (x w[ τ ]ᵛ)
vz   w[ lift τ ]ᵛ = vz
vs x w[ lift τ ]ᵛ = vs (x w[ τ ]ᵛ)

wkVar = _w[_]ᵛ

_w[_]ᵉ : ∀{Γ Δ T} (t : Tm Γ T) (τ : Δ  Γ)  Tm Δ T
con c    w[ τ ]ᵉ = con c
var x    w[ τ ]ᵉ = var (x w[ τ ]ᵛ)
abs t    w[ τ ]ᵉ = abs (t w[ lift τ ]ᵉ)
app t u  w[ τ ]ᵉ = app (t w[ τ ]ᵉ) (u w[ τ ]ᵉ)
pair u t w[ τ ]ᵉ = pair (u w[ τ ]ᵉ) (t w[ τ ]ᵉ)
fst t    w[ τ ]ᵉ = fst (t w[ τ ]ᵉ)
snd t    w[ τ ]ᵉ = snd (t w[ τ ]ᵉ)

-- Evaluation of variables and expressions

V⦅_⦆ : ∀{Γ T}  Var T Γ  Fun Γ T
V⦅ vz    = proj₂
V⦅ vs x  = V⦅ x  ∘′ proj₁

E⦅_⦆ : ∀{Γ T}  Tm Γ T  Fun Γ T
E⦅ con c  _  = c⦅ c 
E⦅ var x     = V⦅ x 
E⦅ abs t     = curry E⦅ t 
E⦅ app t u   = apply E⦅ t  E⦅ u 
E⦅ pair u t  = < E⦅ u  , E⦅ t  >
E⦅ fst t     = proj₁  E⦅ t 
E⦅ snd t     = proj₂  E⦅ t 

-- Evaluation of a term t weakened by τ
-- is the evaluation of t postcomposed with the action of τ.

wk-evalv : ∀{Γ Δ T} (x : Var T Γ) (τ : Δ  Γ)  V⦅ x w[ τ ]ᵛ   V⦅ x  ∘′ R⦅ τ 
wk-evalv x      id≤      = refl
wk-evalv x      (weak τ) rewrite wk-evalv x τ = refl
wk-evalv vz     (lift τ) = refl
wk-evalv (vs x) (lift τ) rewrite wk-evalv x τ = refl

wk-eval : ∀{Γ Δ T} (t : Tm Γ T) (τ : Δ  Γ)  E⦅ t w[ τ ]ᵉ   E⦅ t  ∘′ R⦅ τ 
wk-eval (con c)    τ = refl
wk-eval (var x)    τ = wk-evalv x τ
wk-eval (abs t)    τ rewrite wk-eval t (lift τ) = refl
wk-eval (app t u)  τ rewrite wk-eval t τ | wk-eval u τ = refl
wk-eval (pair u t) τ rewrite wk-eval u τ | wk-eval t τ = refl
wk-eval (fst t)    τ rewrite wk-eval t τ = refl
wk-eval (snd t)    τ rewrite wk-eval t τ = refl

{-# REWRITE wk-evalv wk-eval #-}

-- A syntactic logical relation:
-- f is in the logical relation if it is the image of a t under evaluation.

TmImg :  Γ T (f : Fun Γ T)  Set
TmImg Γ T f =  λ (t : Tm Γ T)  E⦅ t   f

TmKLP-Base : STLC-KLP-Base
TmKLP-Base .STLC-KLP-Base.B⟦_⟧ b Γ f           = TmImg Γ (base b) f
TmKLP-Base .STLC-KLP-Base.monB b τ (t , refl)  = t w[ τ ]ᵉ , wk-eval t τ

-- Reflection / reification

-- We can reflect terms into the Kripke model by evaluation.
-- We can reify a term from an element of the Kripke model.

-- These two lemmata are proven simultaneously by induction on the type.

module _ (open STLC-KLP-Ext TmKLP-Base) where

    reflect : ∀{Γ} T (t : Tm Γ T)  T⟦ T  Γ E⦅ t 
    reflect (base b) t = t , refl
    reflect (U  T) t τ ⟦d⟧ with reify U ⟦d⟧
    reflect (U  T) t τ ⟦d⟧ | u , refl = reflect T (app (t w[ τ ]ᵉ) u) -- REWRITE wk-eval
    reflect (U ×̂ T) t = reflect U (fst t) , reflect T (snd t)

    reify : ∀{Γ} T {f : Fun Γ T} (⟦f⟧ : T⟦ T  Γ f)  TmImg Γ T f
    reify (base b) ⟦f⟧ = ⟦f⟧
    reify (U  T) ⟦f⟧ with reify T (⟦f⟧ (weak id≤) {proj₂} (reflect U (var vz)))
    ... | t , ⦅t⦆≡uncurryf = abs t , cong curry ⦅t⦆≡uncurryf
    reify (U ×̂ T) ⟦f⟧ with reify U (proj₁ ⟦f⟧) | reify T (proj₂ ⟦f⟧)
    ... | u , ⦅u⦆≡proj₁∘f | t , ⦅t⦆≡proj₂∘f = pair u t , cong₂ <_,_> ⦅u⦆≡proj₁∘f ⦅t⦆≡proj₂∘f

-- Reflection witnesses that the constants satisfy the corresponding Kripke predicate.

TmKLP .STLC-KLP.klp-base = TmKLP-Base
TmKLP .STLC-KLP.satC c = reflect (ty c) (con c)

-- Soundness: every STLC-definable function is the image of a term.

sound : ∀{Γ T f} (def : STLC-definable Γ T f)  TmImg Γ T f
sound def = reify _ (def TmKLP)

-- Fundamental lemma of logical relations.

module Fund (P : STLC-KLP) (open STLC-KLP P) where

  -- Pointwise extension of KLP to contexts.

  C⟦_⟧ : (Γ Δ : Cxt) (ρ : CFun Δ Γ)  Set
  C⟦ ε      Δ  = 
  C⟦ Γ  U  Δ ρ = C⟦ Γ  Δ (proj₁ ∘′ ρ) × T⟦ U  Δ (proj₂ ∘′ ρ)

  -- Monotonicity of the context-KLP.
  -- This is the only place where we need monotonicity of KLPs.

  monC :  Γ {Δ Φ} (τ : Φ  Δ) {ρ : CFun Δ Γ} (⟦ρ⟧ : C⟦ Γ  Δ ρ)  C⟦ Γ  Φ (ρ ∘′ R⦅ τ )
  monC ε       τ ⟦ρ⟧ = _
  monC (Γ  U) τ ⟦ρ⟧ = monC Γ τ (proj₁ ⟦ρ⟧) , monT U τ (proj₂ ⟦ρ⟧)

  -- Fundamental theorem.

  -- Proves that the image of any well-typed term satisfies every Kripke predicate
  -- (not just the syntactic one as in reflection).

  -- Needs to be generalized to include environments ρ.
  -- Could even be generalized to Kripke predicates over any world type
  -- (not just contexts and embeddings).

  fundv : ∀{Γ Δ T} (x : Var T Γ) {ρ : CFun Δ Γ} (⟦ρ⟧ : C⟦ Γ  Δ ρ)  T⟦ T  Δ (V⦅ x  ∘′ ρ)
  fundv vz     ⟦ρ⟧ = proj₂ ⟦ρ⟧
  fundv (vs x) ⟦ρ⟧ = fundv x (proj₁ ⟦ρ⟧)

  fund : ∀{Γ Δ T} (t : Tm Γ T) {ρ : CFun Δ Γ} (⟦ρ⟧ : C⟦ Γ  Δ ρ)  T⟦ T  Δ (E⦅ t  ∘′ ρ)
  fund (con c)    ⟦ρ⟧       =  monT (ty c) (≤ε _) (satC c)
  fund (var x)    ⟦ρ⟧       =  fundv x ⟦ρ⟧
  fund (abs t)    ⟦ρ⟧ τ ⟦d⟧ =  fund t (monC _ τ ⟦ρ⟧ , ⟦d⟧)  -- Monotonicity used here!
  fund (app t u)  ⟦ρ⟧       =  fund t ⟦ρ⟧ id≤ (fund u ⟦ρ⟧)
  fund (pair u t) ⟦ρ⟧       =  fund u ⟦ρ⟧ , fund t ⟦ρ⟧
  fund (fst t)    ⟦ρ⟧       =  proj₁ (fund t ⟦ρ⟧)
  fund (snd t)    ⟦ρ⟧       =  proj₂ (fund t ⟦ρ⟧)

-- Completeness: Every closed term evaluates to a STLC-definable function.
-- (Does not directly scale to open terms since identity environment does not always exist!)

complete⁰ : ∀{T} (t : Tm ε T)  STLC-definable ε T E⦅ t 
complete⁰ t P = fund {Δ = ε} t {id} _
  where open Fund P

-- Q.E.D.