-- Simply-typed lambda definability and normalization by evaluation
-- formalized in Agda
-- Author: Andreas Abel, May/June 2018

-- 1. A universe of simple types; contexts and order-preserving embeddings

-- 1a. Simple types and contexts and their interpretation

{-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections #-}
{-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}

open import Library

-- We parametrize our universe of types by a set of base types and their interpretation.

module SimpleTypes (Base : Set) (B⦅_⦆ : Base  Set) where

-- Simple types over a set of base types

data Ty : Set where
  base : (b : Base)  Ty
  _⇒_ _×̂_ : (U T : Ty)  Ty

infixr 4 _⇒_
infixr 6 _×̂_

-- Typing contexts

data Cxt : Set where
  ε : Cxt
  _▷_ : (Γ : Cxt) (U : Ty)  Cxt

-- Order-preserving embeddings (OPEs)

data _≤_ : (Γ Δ : Cxt)  Set where
  id≤  : ∀{Γ}  Γ  Γ
  weak : ∀{Γ Δ U} (τ : Γ  Δ)  (Γ  U)  Δ
  lift : ∀{Γ Δ U} (τ : Γ  Δ)  (Γ  U)  (Δ  U)

-- Composition of OPEs: Makes the category of contexts and OPEs.

_∙_ : ∀{Γ Δ Φ} (τ : Δ  Γ) (τ′ : Φ  Δ)  Φ  Γ
τ       id≤ = τ
τ       weak τ′ = weak (τ  τ′)
id≤     lift τ′ = lift τ′
weak τ  lift τ′ = weak (τ  τ′)
lift τ  lift τ′ = lift (τ  τ′)

-- The empty context is the terminal object.

≤ε :  Γ  Γ  ε
≤ε ε        = id≤
≤ε (Γ  U)  = weak (≤ε Γ)

-- Interpretation of types and contexts.

T⦅_⦆ : Ty  Set
T⦅ base b  = B⦅ b 
T⦅ U  T  = T⦅ U   T⦅ T 
T⦅ U ×̂ T  = T⦅ U  × T⦅ T 

C⦅_⦆ : Cxt  Set
C⦅ ε  = 
C⦅ Γ  U  = C⦅ Γ  × T⦅ U 

Fun : (Γ : Cxt) (T : Ty)  Set
Fun Γ T = C⦅ Γ   T⦅ T 

CFun : (Δ Γ : Cxt)  Set
CFun Δ Γ = C⦅ Δ   C⦅ Γ 

-- Interpretation of OPE as projections
-- (called "arity functor" in Jung/Tiuryn TLCA 1993).

R⦅_⦆ : ∀{Γ Δ} (τ : Δ  Γ)  C⦅ Δ   C⦅ Γ 
R⦅ id≤     = id
R⦅ weak τ  = R⦅ τ   proj₁
R⦅ lift τ  = R⦅ τ  ×̇′ id

-- The second functor law for R⦅_⦆

ar-comp : ∀{Γ Δ Φ} (τ : Δ  Γ) (τ′ : Φ  Δ)  R⦅ τ  τ′   R⦅ τ  ∘′ R⦅ τ′ 
ar-comp τ        id≤      = refl
ar-comp τ        (weak τ′) rewrite ar-comp τ τ′ = refl
ar-comp id≤      (lift τ′) = refl
ar-comp (weak τ) (lift τ′) rewrite ar-comp τ τ′ = refl
ar-comp (lift τ) (lift τ′) rewrite ar-comp τ τ′ = refl

{-# REWRITE ar-comp #-}

-- 1b. Kripke predicate basics

-- Kripke predicate over the world of contexts and OPEs.

KPred : (A : Set)  Set₁
KPred A = (Γ : Cxt) (f : C⦅ Γ   A)  Set

-- Statement of monotonicity of a Kripke predicate.

Mon : ∀{A}  KPred A  Set
Mon {A} P = ∀{Γ Δ : Cxt} (τ : Δ  Γ) {f : C⦅ Γ   A}
   (⟦f⟧ : P Γ f)
   P Δ (f ∘′ R⦅ τ )