{-# OPTIONS --postfix-projections #-}
module PresheavesAndSheaves where

open import Library hiding (refl; trans; _∈_)

open import Level
import Relation.Binary.Core as Eq
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core as Eq
open import Function.Inverse using (_↔_; module Inverse)
open import Function.Equality using (_⟨$⟩_)

module _ {A : Set} {B : Set} (e : A  B) where
  open Inverse e

  –> : A  B
  –> a = to ⟨$⟩ a

  <– : B  A
  <– b = from ⟨$⟩ b

record Poset : Set₁ where
    A : Set
    _≤_ : (x y : A)  Set
    refl : {x : A}  x  x
    trans : {x y z : A} (p : x  y) (q : y  z)  x  z

record Poset₁ : Set₂ where
    A : Set₁
    _≤_ : (x y : A)  Set
    refl : {x : A}  x  x
    trans : {x y z : A} (p : x  y) (q : y  z)  x  z

module _ {P : Poset} where
  open Poset P

  record IsMeet (x y z : A) : Set where
      π₁ : z  x
      π₂ : z  y
      univ : (a : A) (e₁ : a  x) (e₂ : a  y)  a  z

record Coverage (P : Poset) : Set₁ where
  open Poset P

    Cover : A  Set
    _∈_ : {a : A} (b : A) (C : Cover a)  Set
    ∈-≤ : {a b : A} {C : Cover a}  b  C  b  a

    weaken : {a b : A} (σ : b  a) (C : Cover a)  Cover b
    weaken-ext : {a b : A} {σ : b  a} {C : Cover a}  Σ A  x  x  C)  Σ A  y  y  weaken σ C)
    weaken-ext-meet : {a b : A} {σ : b  a} {C : Cover a} {x : A} {e : x  C}  IsMeet {P} a x (proj₁ (–> (weaken-ext {σ = σ}) (x , e)))

    singleton : {a : A}  Cover a
    singleton-ext : {a b : A}  b  singleton {a}  b Eq.≡ a

    paste : {a : A} (C : Cover a) (D : (b : A)  b  C  Cover b)  Cover a
    paste-ext : {a : A} {C : Cover a} {D : (b : A)  b  C  Cover b} {c : A}  c  paste C D   λ b  Σ (b  C)  e  c  D b e)

record Presheaf (P : Poset) : Set₁ where
  open Poset P

    ⟦_⟧ : A  Set
    ⟦_⟧-hom : {a b : A} (p : b  a)   a    b 

module _ {P : Poset} where
  open Poset P

  PresheafPoset : Poset₁
  PresheafPoset .Poset₁.A = Presheaf P
  PresheafPoset .Poset₁._≤_ F G = {a : A}  F.⟦ a   G.⟦ a  where
    module F = Presheaf F
    module G = Presheaf G
  PresheafPoset .Poset₁.refl = Library.id
  PresheafPoset .Poset₁.trans f g = g  f

  open Poset₁ PresheafPoset using () renaming (refl to reflᵖ; trans to transᵖ) public
  infix 4 _≤ᵖ_
  _≤ᵖ_ = Poset₁._≤_ PresheafPoset

module PresheafFormers {P : Poset} where
  open Poset P
  open Presheaf

  True : Presheaf P
  True .⟦_⟧ a = 
   True ⟧-hom p ⊤.tt = ⊤.tt

  True-in : {H : Presheaf P}  H ≤ᵖ True
  True-in _ = ⊤.tt

  False : Presheaf P
  False .⟦_⟧ a = 
   False ⟧-hom p ()

  False-out : {H : Presheaf P}  False ≤ᵖ H
  False-out = ⊥-elim

  module _ (F G : Presheaf P) where
    private module F = Presheaf F
    private module G = Presheaf G

    infix 10 _∧_

    _∧_ : Presheaf P
    _∧_ .⟦_⟧ a = F.⟦ a  × G.⟦ a 
    _∧_ .⟦_⟧-hom p = map-× (F.⟦_⟧-hom p) (G.⟦_⟧-hom p)

  ∧-in :  {F G H}  H ≤ᵖ F  H ≤ᵖ G  H ≤ᵖ F  G
  ∧-in u v x = (u x , v x)

  ∧-out₁ :  {F G}  F  G ≤ᵖ F
  ∧-out₁ = proj₁

  ∧-out₂ :  {F G}  F  G ≤ᵖ G
  ∧-out₂ = proj₂

  module _ (F G : Presheaf P) where
    private module F = Presheaf F
    private module G = Presheaf G

    infix 9 _∨_

    _∨_ : Presheaf P
    _∨_ .⟦_⟧ a = F.⟦ a   G.⟦ a 
    _∨_ .⟦_⟧-hom p = map-⊎ (F.⟦_⟧-hom p) (G.⟦_⟧-hom p)

  ∨-in₁ :  {F G}  F ≤ᵖ F  G
  ∨-in₁ = inj₁

  ∨-in₂ :  {F G}  G ≤ᵖ F  G
  ∨-in₂ = inj₂

  ∨-out :  {F G H}  F ≤ᵖ H  G ≤ᵖ H  F  G  ≤ᵖ H
  ∨-out u v = [ u , v ]

  module _ (F G : Presheaf P) where
    private module F = Presheaf F
    private module G = Presheaf G

    infix 8 _⇒_

    _⇒_ : Presheaf P
    _⇒_ .⟦_⟧ a = (a' : A) (p : a'  a) (x : F.⟦ a' )  G.⟦ a' 
    _⇒_ .⟦_⟧-hom {a} {b} p fa b' q y = fa b' (trans q p) y

  ⇒-in :  {F G H}  H  F ≤ᵖ G  H ≤ᵖ F  G
  ⇒-in {H = H} u x a' p y = u (H.⟦ p ⟧-hom x , y) where
    module H = Presheaf H

  ⇒-out :  {F G H}  H ≤ᵖ F  G  H  F ≤ᵖ G
  ⇒-out f (x , y) = f x _ refl y

  module Fund (H : Presheaf P) where
    private module H = Presheaf H

    trueI : H ≤ᵖ True
    trueI x = ⊤.tt

    falseE :  {M}  False ≤ᵖ M
    falseE = ⊥-elim

    andE₁ :  {F G}  H ≤ᵖ F  G  H ≤ᵖ F
    andE₁ t x = proj₁ (t x)

    andE₂ :  {F G}  H ≤ᵖ F  G  H ≤ᵖ G
    andE₂ t x = proj₂ (t x)

    orI₁ :  {F G}  H ≤ᵖ F  H ≤ᵖ F  G
    orI₁ t x = inj₁ (t x)

    orI₂ :  {F G}  H ≤ᵖ G  H ≤ᵖ F  G
    orI₂ t x = inj₂ (t x)

    impI :  {F G}  H  F ≤ᵖ G  H ≤ᵖ F  G
    impI u x a' p y = u (H.⟦ p ⟧-hom x , y)

    impE :  {F G}  H ≤ᵖ F  G  H ≤ᵖ F  H ≤ᵖ G
    impE f u x = f x _ refl (u x)

module _ {P : Poset} where
  open Poset P

  module _ where
    open Presheaf

    yoneda : A  Presheaf P
    yoneda a .⟦_⟧ b = b  a
    yoneda a .⟦_⟧-hom = trans

  record Sheaf (coverage : Coverage P) : Set₁ where
    open Coverage coverage

      presheaf : Presheaf P
    open Presheaf presheaf public
      glue : {a : A} (C : Cover a)  ({b : A}  b  C   b )   a 

  infix 20 _ᵖ

  _ᵖ : {coverage : Coverage P}  Sheaf coverage  Presheaf P
  _ᵖ = Sheaf.presheaf

  module _ {coverage : Coverage P} where
    open Coverage coverage

    SheafPoset : Poset₁
    SheafPoset .Poset₁.A = Sheaf coverage
    SheafPoset .Poset₁._≤_ F G = F  ≤ᵖ G 
    SheafPoset .Poset₁.refl {F} = reflᵖ {P} {F }
    SheafPoset .Poset₁.trans {F} {G} {H} = transᵖ {P} {F } {G } {H }

    open Poset₁ SheafPoset using () renaming (refl to reflˢ; trans to transˢ) public
    infix 4 _≤ˢ_
    _≤ˢ_ = Poset₁._≤_ SheafPoset

  module Sheafification {coverage : Coverage P} where
    open Coverage coverage

    module _ where
      open Sheaf

      sheafify : Presheaf P  Sheaf coverage
      sheafify F = G where
        private module F = Presheaf F
        open Presheaf

        G : Sheaf coverage
        G .presheaf .⟦_⟧ a = Σ (Cover a) λ C  {x : A} (e : x  C)  F.⟦ x 
        -- I don't like to use 'with'
        G .presheaf .⟦_⟧-hom p (C , h) = (weaken p C , help) where
          help : {x' : A} (e' : x'  weaken p C)  F.⟦ x' 
          help {x'} e' = F.⟦ q ⟧-hom (h e) where
            open Σ (<– weaken-ext (x' , e')) renaming (proj₁ to x; proj₂ to e)

            q : x'  x
            q = Eq.subst  z  z .proj₁  x) (Inverse.right-inverse-of weaken-ext (x' , e')) (weaken-ext-meet {e = e} .IsMeet.π₂)
        G .glue C h .proj₁ = paste C λ b e  h e .proj₁
        -- I don't like to use 'with'
        G .glue C h .proj₂ e = h e' .proj₂ q where
          open Σ (–> paste-ext e) renaming (proj₁ to b; proj₂ to e',q)
          open Σ e',q renaming (proj₁ to e'; proj₂ to q)

    η : {F : Presheaf P}  F ≤ᵖ sheafify F 
    η x .proj₁ = singleton
    η {F} x .proj₂ e = Eq.subst ⟦_⟧ (Eq.sym (–> singleton-ext e)) x where
      open Presheaf F

    univ-prop : {F : Presheaf P} {G : Sheaf coverage} (u : F ≤ᵖ G )  sheafify F  ≤ᵖ G 
    univ-prop {F} {G} u (C , h) = glue C (u  h) where
      open Sheaf G
      module F = Presheaf F
      module G = Presheaf presheaf

  module SheafFormers {coverage : Coverage P} where
    open Coverage coverage
    open Sheaf

    module PF = PresheafFormers
    open Sheafification {coverage = coverage}

    True : Sheaf coverage
    True .presheaf = PF.True
    True .glue _ _ = ⊤.tt

    True-in : {H : Sheaf coverage}  H ≤ˢ True
    True-in _ = ⊤.tt

    False : Sheaf coverage
    False = sheafify PF.False

    False-out : {H : Sheaf coverage}  False ≤ˢ H
    False-out {H} = univ-prop {F = PF.False} {G = H} (PF.False-out {H = H })

    module _ (F G : Sheaf coverage) where
      private module F = Sheaf F
      private module G = Sheaf G

      infix 10 _∧_

      _∧_ : Sheaf coverage
      _∧_ .presheaf = F.presheaf PF.∧ G.presheaf
      _∧_ .glue C h = (F.glue C (proj₁  h) , G.glue C (proj₂  h))

    ∧-in :  {F G H}  H ≤ˢ F  H ≤ˢ G  H ≤ˢ F  G
    ∧-in {F} {G} {H} = PF.∧-in {F = F } {G = G } {H = H }

    ∧-out₁ :  {F G}  F  G ≤ˢ F
    ∧-out₁ {F} {G} = PF.∧-out₁ {F = F } {G = G }

    ∧-out₂ :  {F G}  F  G ≤ˢ G
    ∧-out₂ {F} {G} = PF.∧-out₂ {F = F } {G = G }

    module _ (F G : Sheaf coverage) where
      private module F = Sheaf F
      private module G = Sheaf G

      infix 9 _∨_

      _∨_ : Sheaf coverage
      _∨_ = sheafify (F.presheaf PF.∨ G.presheaf)

    ∨-in₁ :  {F G}  F ≤ˢ F  G
    ∨-in₁ {F} {G} = transᵖ {x = F } {y = F  PF.∨ G } {z = (F  G) } (PF.∨-in₁ {F = F } {G = G }) (η {F = F  PF.∨ G })

    ∨-in₂ :  {F G}  G ≤ˢ F  G
    ∨-in₂ {F} {G} = transᵖ {x = G } {y = F  PF.∨ G } {z = (F  G) } (PF.∨-in₂ {F = F } {G = G }) (η {F = F  PF.∨ G })

    ∨-out :  {F G H}  F ≤ˢ H  G ≤ˢ H  F  G ≤ˢ H
    ∨-out {F} {G} {H} u v = univ-prop {F = F  PF.∨ G } {G = H} (PF.∨-out {F = F } {G = G } {H = H } u v)

    module _ (F G : Sheaf coverage) where
      private module F = Sheaf F
      private module G = Sheaf G

      infix 8 _⇒_

      _⇒_ : Sheaf coverage
      _⇒_ .presheaf = F.presheaf PF.⇒ G.presheaf
      _⇒_ .glue {a} C h a' p x = let
          help : {b' : A}  b'  weaken p C  G.⟦ b' 
          help {b'} e' = let
              open Σ (<– weaken-ext (b' , e')) renaming (proj₁ to b; proj₂ to e)
              k : F.⟦ b'   G.⟦ b' 
              k = h e b' (Eq.subst  z  z .proj₁  b)
                            (Inverse.right-inverse-of weaken-ext (b' , e'))
                            (weaken-ext-meet {σ = p} {C = C} {x = b} {e = e} .IsMeet.π₂))
            in k (F.⟦ ∈-≤ e' ⟧-hom x)
        in G.glue (weaken p C) help

      -- _⇒_ : Sheaf coverage
      -- _⇒_ .presheaf = F.presheaf PF.⇒ G.presheaf
      -- _⇒_ .glue {a} C h a' p x = G.glue (weaken p C) help where
      --   help : {b' : A} → b' ∈ weaken p C → G.⟦ b' ⟧
      --   help {b'} e' = k (F.⟦ ∈-≤ e' ⟧-hom x) where
      --     open Σ (<– weaken-ext (b' , e')) renaming (proj₁ to b; proj₂ to e)

      --     k : F.⟦ b' ⟧ → G.⟦ b' ⟧
      --     k = h e b' (Eq.subst (λ z → z .proj₁ ≤ b) (Inverse.right-inverse-of weaken-ext (b' , e')) (weaken-ext-meet {σ = p} {C = C} {x = b} {e = e} .IsMeet.π₂))

    ⇒-in :  {F G H}  H  F ≤ˢ G  H ≤ˢ F  G
    ⇒-in {F} {G} {H} = PF.⇒-in {F = F } {G = G } {H = H }

    ⇒-out :  {F G H}  H ≤ˢ F  G  H  F ≤ˢ G
    ⇒-out {F} {G} {H} = PF.⇒-out {F = F } {G = G } {H = H }